A free event to be held on Friday 16th September 9.30am-12.30pm with a follow up session for individual mentoring on Monday the 10th October 9.30am-12.30pm

During this session we will explore how the current economic climate and the post pandemic retail landscape present opportunities for social enterprises to grow and develop income, focusing on the potential development of retail based activities including stand-alone and collaborative approaches.

To be eligible for this event you need to have been accepted onto the Transform Strand of the Social Enterprise Exchange 2 programme and have an SEE2 ID number and acceptance letter; to book on please register on Eventbriite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-perspectives-on-todays-retail-business-environment-tickets-392382375247

Delivered online by Martin Singer: Social Enterprise Exchange programme Business Consultant Panel member

Martin is a Commercial Director and a freelance consultant offering affordable, bespoke support to charities and small businesses with a focus on commercial vitality, strategy and leadership. He is a Charity Trustee and Director and co-Chair Sheffield Business Together. Previous experience includes 25 years of leadership roles in retail, including senior Head Office, Branch Manager and leadership positions.