Social Enterprise Exchange Conference 2018
Thursday, 15th November 2018, 09.30-14.30
at The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX
The Social Enterprise Exchange Conference 2018 celebrates international Social Enterprise Day, 15 November 2018, and will showcase the state of social enterprise in Sheffield City Region and beyond. This half-day event includes panel presentations from key stakeholders, case-studies from new and existing social enterprises, one-to-one advice surgeries (bookable in advance) and opportunities to exhibit for participating social enterprises. The event is free and includes lunch, refreshments and time for networking with other social entrepreneurs. To book your free ticket please use the booking form below.
09.30 Registration
10.00 Social Enterprise Exchange Conference Part 1
Facilitator: Richard Motley, Integreat Plus
Welcome and introduction
Social Enterprise Exchange – Update
Steve Buckley, Community Media Solutions
Opening Panel:
Social enterprise – building the new economy
Marina Larios, Inova Consulting
Rory Ridley-Duff, Sheffield Hallam University
11.15 Refreshments break
11.30 Social Enterprise Exchange Conference Part 2
Facilitator: Ruth Willis, South Yorkshire Community Foundation
Social enterprise case stories
Aimee Browes, Happiness Bootcamp
Rod Auton, Chesterfield Canal Trust
Kate West, Family Voice Sheffield
Zak Ahmed, Aalfy
Closing panel
Social enterprise – investing in social impact
Nitya Teagarajan, SheFest
Ahmed Al-Aagam, UnLtd
Lahari Parchuri, Groundwork South Yorkshire
13.00 Networking lunch and advice surgeries
14:30 Close