Cultural Industries Quarter Agency are seeking applications for a short term post with the Social Enterprise Exchange.
Social Enterprise Development Coordinator – Paternity cover
The successful candidate will devise and implement a programme of place based and property led growth support for social enterprises and business centres through liaison with key partners and support providers, in order to produce either a bespoke and/or generic programme of activity at each centre and for those enterprises entering the SEE Programme. They will also lead on communications including production of social media, an online publication, newsletter, web and multimedia content and print media.
Doanload details of the post here:
Social Enterprise Development Coordinator – Job description and Person Specification
For further information and to apply please write to:
Deadline for applications: 11:30pm, Sunday 21st October 2018
Interviews to be held: Friday 26th October 2018
Social Enterprise Exchange is a comprehensive programme of social enterprise support contributing to jobs, growth and social inclusion across the Sheffield City Region. It is delivered by a community-based consortium in collaboration with Sheffield City Region Growth Hub and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014 – 2020.
Social Enterprise Exchange will promote social entrepreneurship, through awareness raising events, knowledge exchange and peer networking; it will provide support for start-ups, including hot-desks, start-up grants and mentoring; and it will offer specialist enterprise support for existing social enterprises to grow and to develop new products and services.