Friday, 22nd September 2017 12noon-13.30pm at Worksop Town FC, Babbage Way, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80-1UJ
LunchPlus: Networking Friday, 22nd September 2017, 12noon -1.30pm
September’s Lunch Plus profiles Suit Works, Foodhall, and is hosted by Worksop Town Football Club, all highly original, innovative and community focused businesses working with the Social Enterprise Exchange:
‘The first thirty seconds of a job interview are critical as employers make up their mind about candidates very quickly so it’s important that that they feel confident in their appearance which helps them perform well thus increasing their chances of success’
Vanda Kewley, Founding Director, offers a high individual focused service through The Suit Works dedicated to helping unemployed men of all ages to succeed at interview by building confidence and self-esteem through personal styling. Unemployed often vulnerable men are referred to the project by public bodies, charities and other organisations when they have the offer of a job or apprenticeship interview, but they neither have nor are able to afford suitable interview clothing.
Suit Works provides a welcoming friendly environment where people come in for a styling session and are given a quality suit, shirt, tie and shoes as well as some helpful advice, and if needed interview training skills.
Jamie Wilde says the idea for Foodhall came when he, Louis Pohl, and Sam Atkinson recent Sheffield University graduates started looking at ways to combine community with enterprise through food between often marginalised groups and individuals such as homeless people, mental health groups, isolated people, people with addiction problems and people who need to access food.
After two years Foodhall is a multi-award-winning social enterprise based in Sheffield’s City Centre tackling issues of food poverty, social isolation, food waste and addresses the lack of accessible communal facilities in Sheffield. Foodhall provides a diverse range of activities including communal dining, pottery workshops, lectures, film screenings, cookery classes, music events and much more…..
Lunch Plus is a business networking event designed with a focus on social enterprise. Our aim is to provide a broad, diverse and inclusive platform profiling key networks, sectors, innovation, new business opportunities, expertise, case studies, helpful business and financial services and products designed to support emerging and existing social enterprises across the Sheffield City Region. The format for Lunch Plus is a 20min presentation and a chaired Q+A session followed by a light lunch networking opportunity.