Monday, 12 July 2017, 12.30pm hosted by Loundsley Green Community Centre, Chesterfield.

This Lunch Plus event focusses on the challenges and opportunities for social enterprises addressing semi-urban and rural neighbourhoods’ transport needs.

With presentations from:-
Patrick Dawso, CT4TC community transport
Natalie O’Connell, Wheels to Work
Alastair Meikle, Inclusive Pedals

Lunch Plus is a business networking event designed with a focus on social enterprise. Our aim is to provide a broad, diverse and inclusive platform profiling key networks, sectors, innovation, new business opportunities, expertise, case studies, helpful business and financial services and products designed to support emerging and existing social enterprises across the Sheffield City Region. The format for Lunch Plus is a 20min presentation and a chaired Q+A session followed by a light lunch networking opportunity. Time 12.30-13.30.