Cultural Industries Quarter Agency are seeking applications for two Social Enterprise Exchange posts:-

Head of Place and Sustainability

The successful candidate will provide place, sustainable development and building based support advice to social enterprises, community businesses operating across the Sheffield City Region and business centres whether working in neighbourhoods or town or city centres. This will also include organisational support for the management of co-working or more traditional workspaces, organisational reviews and sustainability plans and design advice around future growth strategies.

Job description and person spec Head of Place and Sustainability

To apply please send a CV and covering letter to
Deadline for applications: 12 noon, Wednesday 26th April 2017
Interviews to be held: Friday 5th May 2017

Local Enterprise Coordinator

The successful candidate will provide specialist social enterprise and CDI sector support, outreach and mentoring at neighbourhood digital media centres and promote enterprise in the creative industries through networks and at events.

Job description and person spec Local Enterprise Coordinator

To apply please send a CV and covering letter to
Deadline for applications: 12 noon, Wednesday 26th April 2017
Interviews to be held: Friday 5th May 2017